Winter is Coming

Dania Kreisl, Senior, English Major from Euless, TX


I’m scared of the winter.

I can already feel the cold wind creeping up my legs

underneath the layer of my pants

as I run from it.


It reminds me of you,

of a lot of our firsts,

so now a year later

I no longer feel your warmth fighting the cold.


It reminds me of anxiety,

the intense tightness in my chest

and knots in my stomach

that leads to starvation and no sleep.


It reminds me of the pain during the relationship,

the silence I felt as nothing changed

even though I begged you to hear me

and help me save the love we had.


It reminds me of the breakup,

and it was so devastating

I can’t form any more words on it;

reliving it would kill me.


The temperatures are dropping,

and I’m scared. 

I’m scared of what the winter brought me a year ago during the worst time of my life,

I’m scared I’m going to feel that way again.


As the winter approaches, my anxiety peaks,

I’m scared for my life,

and I miss you terribly.

I want the winter to never come.