Pinky Swear

Lexie Woodall, Junior from Arlington, TX


pinkies interlocked,

insecurities intertwined.

a point of no return,

an oath of allegiance sworn.


two perfectly crooked smiles,

four star speckled eyes. 

worlds sprout forth from 

our fingertips, senseless and 

dizzying joy skips! cloaked 

in the soft light of the night,

secrets splurged in the darkness 

and remain there for life. 

you and i, in an orbit of our own. 

Time turns, and we sprout like 

the daisies we once picked 

to be woven halos. 

New characters enter our story;

you bask and blossom in their glory 

while I wait for you in the shadows. 


Seasons change, and you with them. 

What was once unyielding fidelity 

and sweet hopes for eternity

has turned to whispered plans, 

deluded promises, and 

threats of disgrace. 


A passing glimpse of your 

face is all I see now. 

You blend with the 

strangers we once swore 

would never understand us. 


You deemed me insignificant,

mere collateral for your pursuits

and if that was not enough, 

you barred my soul and 

bartered with my secrets  

for promises of acceptance. 


i am broken by the shallowness 

of your character. 



if you need me, 

i’ll be there. 

pinky swear. 

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