Beauty Inside and Out

By Maia Gonye-Senior from Boston, Massachusetts 


I fell in-love with myself.

Staring at my naked,  goose-bump ridden

body in the mirror, every bruise, 

scar, patchy and uneven blemish. 

Red bumps scattered, little freckles 

kissed by angels, lumpy cellulite

that flourished in contrast 

to the slightest abdominal muscle tonnage.


A body painted with tattoos 

Some have meaning and some

that just exists. So perfect but 

so imperfect. Symmetrical yet 

so lopsided. 


Glistening youthful

blue eyes stared back at me, 

black hole like pupils invited me in 

and swallowed me whole. 

I cried. I honored. I appreciated. 

My body. For what its been through, 

For what it’s capable of. 


I had a weird epiphany- 

my physical body is just a being.

It is here, you can see it. 

But what you don’t see 

is my energetic soul. My mind and soul

floating & exploring, 


while my feet 

are planted on this earth.

The deeper my roots go 

the more grounded and stable I become. 


What would you see 

if you could look into your mind? 

What would you see

if you looked at your soul?