A House Beside the Street

Angelina Leonardi, Sophomore, Entrepreneurship & Innovation, San Diego, CA



A house beside the street

is a house no longer a home.

A home sentenced to a coffin

a coffin where the memories roam.


Walk past its doors threshold

where the living and dead separate.

Walk into a ghost’s cold embrace 

For they have been left to this fate.


Light creeps through the curtain

portraying a vision of dust from the floor

and the intricate ghost of a man appears

crying for the living to visit him more.


A shadow lives in the lampshade

a sadness lively in the walls

over the years they are to stain 

lonesome walking through the halls.


A house beside the street 

is a house no longer a home.

Not for the living to dwell

a coffin for the memories to roam.