Post-Apocalyptic Rom-Com Screening

By: Josh Borders

Major: Economics

Year: Junior

Hometown: Kaufman, TX


You gather and eat of the rusted

and dusty green pea soup cans,

their contents – like neon milk – splashed


into a copper bowl. I watch your swollen hand

lift a trembling spoon to bright blue lips.

We found a Love Actually DVD in the heap


of cars with their busted-out windows and tires

hopelessly deflated. It was miraculous!

A cinematic classic, left for us. Nothing remains


but to watch. Chuck the bowl! Grime up the sink! But

O, my circumstantial love, do not curl beside me.

A siren secret, I have for you. I will blare


it across the room. We may be the only ones

left, but can’t you understand?

I am already too whole

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