The Spring 2024 volume of “y’ALL: LGBTQ+ Voices of Fort Worth” is printed and available here online. This volume focused on LGBTQ+ voices in education. And we had so many oral histories we couldn’t fit them all in the book. Look for some web content connected to this issue soon. If you’d like to be interviewed for future issues, please… Read more →
Writing Compilation – Zoe-Kylie Sanchez
Zoe-Kylie Writing Portfolio Read more →
Taking Refuge – Lizzie Farina
Taking Refuge I stepped out of the airport and found myself under a blue, cloudless, and sweltering sky. Squinting to adjust to the brightness, I made my way to a bench and sank down onto it, clutching my luggage. I heaved out a sigh and leaned my head back, watching planes float down from the sky and glide across the… Read more →
Micah Matherne, senior BFA major with a focus in painting, from Waco, TX Read more →
Katz A Day – Lucas Judd
Katz A Day Read more →
Now I Know It Isn’t You – Hanna Landa
What I thought to be forever now, won’t happen. Ever. If only things went my way, you would be here. to stay. I weep in bed knowing we’ve come to our end. As I lie, I wonder why I didn’t see the stop signs In the past times. And deep down, I knew you weren’t true because love is patient… Read more →
A Long Way to Go – Elena Butterfield
I have to wonder what my life would be like if my great-great grandmother had a birth certificate. What if, in Athens (circa 1910), women were people with their own stories, not just a footnote in a man’s? What if she was told she could become something great? Instead she received a legal reminder that she would never… Read more →
Circus – Zoe-Kylie Sanchez
y’ALL: Voices from LGBTQ+ Fort Worth
In the Fall semester of 2023, our team of editors reached out to LGBTQ+ members of the Fort Worth community to hear some of their stories. These stories were collected into a chapbook were calling “y’ALL: Voices from LGBTQ+ Fort Worth.” We hope this is just the first issue in a series of issues archiving LGBTQ+ voices in Fort Worth.… Read more →
The Water Glistens
Savannah Childs, Senior, English Major from Shreveport, LA Light shone across the droplets of sweat coating Blair’s neck. Her brown hair had been pulled into a tight ponytail that peeked out from her hat, but was now falling from the rigor of the hike. Flyaway strands stuck out from her head as if I’d rubbed a balloon against… Read more →