Ailbhe’s Touch- Madison Milligan

Ailbhe’s Touch  I turn to face the sandstone path when I hear her, the faint tinkling of the jewelry Mama lets her borrow floating through the air like so many cheerful bells. As she rounds the last bend, carrying a blue vase that she filled with river water, my eyes are assaulted with the flashiness of her perfection; her tan… Read more →

Excerpts from Wild Honey: Featuring Heavenly Bodies & What people gain from all their labors… By Shelby Lipar

Heavenly Bodies Stitched loops hold together the interlacings of the constellations. Lights that lustrously illuminate through curtains of darkness. Angel doors from heaven that send ethereal art to the earth. La joie de l’arte! What a gracious gift from God. Then, there are the etoiles of the ballet. Born to fairily float across the stage as emblems of the beauty… Read more →